Posted by: kmayward | January 21, 2011

Beginning Child Sponsorship in Indonesia

We just opened the country of Indonesia for Child Sponsorship. As I have been reading about this country and seeing photos of these children I have been so excited. Today I was reading about one of the staff we have working in the community of Sendayan, here is her heart for the children of her country:

“We realize that the children are the future hope for our nation and should be given correct understanding and education. In the future children can be the agents of change in their family, environment, school and nation. Children have an important role so it is necessary to discover the values in every child’s life. Also, I want to see the children growing in both knowledge and faith. I believe ever child is precious in the eyes of God. My dream is to see transformation in the community, which begins with changes in each person and family. Changes in the way of thinking, way of life and understanding the values of life based on Christ’s live. I pray that the community becomes God’s instrument for the neighborhood and that the whole community will recognize that Jesus is God.”

Erlina, Indonesia

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